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Monday, July 21, 2014

Glazed & Confused (Part 2)

*Disclaimer: With the permission from Voodoo Doughnut, these works are purely replica fan art with no intentions to sell.  It is not intended to infringe on any rights by and of the company involved in the production of the miniatures made here. *

Woohoo! The Voodoo Doughnut project is all finished :) In case you aren't familiar with Voodoo Doughnuts, they are a well known doughnut shop in Portland, OR known for having uniquely designed doughnuts.

I was hard pressed to find a bit of time this week to finish making the toppings, assemble the pastry boxes, and decorating the whole doughnut.  Nonetheless I'm fairly pleased with how they turned out.  There are only a few issues I could nitpick, but what person isn't critical of their own work?


 The first thing I did this week was cut, fold, and glue the famous pink boxes.  It measures roughly 2.54cm x 2.54cm. x 1cm (LxWxH).  It took a while to create the box template from scratch since I had to reference photos online and then find clear images I could use.  Once I did that I brought the photos into Photoshop, tinkered with it a bit, and then created the template.


Bacon, Fruit Loops, crushed peanuts, sprinkles, Captain Crunch, shredded coconut
The second major task was to finish making the toppings.  In the last work in progress (WIP) post I wrote about making the Fruit Loops and Captain Crunch Berries.  This round I made bacon strips, crushed peanuts, sprinkles, and shredded coconut.  To make the crushed peanuts I baked peanut colored clay and then chopped it up into tiny pieces.  For the shredded coconut, I grated white clay on a grater.  I technically stole the sprinkles from my last doughnut project, but shhhh....I can re-use things, right? :)


After several days of working on it, here they are! As I mentioned last time, I was originally going to only make five different kinds but I couldn't decide on which flavors so I ended up choosing fifteen.  After seeing it finished, I'm glad I chose to make a bunch of them.  It's so colorful!  Here is a list of the doughnuts pictured: (left to right, top to bottom)

Tex-ass Challenge (equal to 6 doughnuts!), Miami Vice Berry, Raspberry Romeo, Peanut doughnut, Blueberry cake doughnut, Chocolate coconut, Portland cream, Chocolate bar, Voodoo Doll, Gay bar, French crueller, McMinnville cream, Captain my Captain, Bacon Maple bar, The Loop doughnut




Old vs. New
Lastly, I posted a before and after progress shot of two doughnuts that I made a while ago when I first started messing with polymer clay.  You can see in the older versions that I didn't take scale into consideration.  Also, the effect chalk pastels has on the clay to create that "baked" look.  I've definitely learned a lot of new techniques since starting, maybe if I make a third version of the doughnuts it will look like it was baked fresh from the store's oven. :)

I hope you enjoyed this short little series!

P.S. If you like the content I have provided and decide to make your own version of some Voodoo Doughnuts (or any doughnut for that matter), feel free to share them with me!  Tag me (@TheMicrobakery) on your Instagram photo so I can see your awesome treats.


  1. I can't seem to get the cute box pattern to download - is it still available? I'd love to have it as I live across the river from Portland :)
